Inheritance Attorney in Los Angeles, California

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Disputes over wills and end-of-life choices can make the grieving process for a loved one even more difficult than it otherwise might be. Working with an experienced Los Angeles inheritance attorney that deals with related issues throughout California can ensure that everyone receives a fair result. 

Issues Commonly Resolved with Inheritance Attorney Assistance

Families and assets do not always go well together. So when it comes to inheritance disputes, the through-line of problems that arise revolves around the allocation of money and property as well as who may have influenced the lost loved one prior to their passing. More specifically, common issues an inheritance attorney might work to resolve include:

  1. Perceived inequity of allocation – Major family events can lead to major changes in terms of a person’s will. Commonly, this can include setting up massively different inheritances for siblings or spouses. In addition, significant changes just prior to the person’s death can be a concern.
  2. Wrongful acts surrounding the will and probate process – Along with the allocation, relatives of a person with a will may have questions about whether or not there was undue influence during the most recent will or by someone who has had power of attorney in a loved one’s last years.. 
  3. Intentionality of the decedent – One major struggle that the legal system has in dealing with wills is that the person who made it is obviously no longer there to speak on their own behalf. Assessing their intentions and plans when they are gone can require the assistance of an experienced inheritance dispute attorney to ensure their wishes are honored.

Speak with an Inheritance Attorney

At Stone & Sallus, we have decades of experience working within the court systems in Los Angeles, as well as with grieving families in all types of situations. We are dedicated to helping loved ones receive fair treatment at a time that can be emotionally fraught for many parties. Contact us today for a complimentary and confidential consultation about your probate and will issue today.