Litigation & Trial Practice

The litigation and trial practice team at Stone & Sallus LLP works on a wide range of complex legal disputes, and draws upon skills from different practice areas to approach complex cases in an efficient and effective manner. We represent clients in all aspects of complex litigation, including business law, commercial disputes, real estate law, construction litigation, property damage, breach of contracts, elder law, employment law, and probate litigation.

Stone & Sallus LLP is driven to obtain the best result for our clients. With individualized dedication, we demonstrate a strategic and thorough understanding of a case from the start, and focus on providing our clients with unparalleled, tailored legal representation.  We use a solutions-oriented approach, combining our extensive negotiating experience in conjunction with alternative dispute resolution. We recognize that a resolution can be more beneficial than a years-long war in the courtroom- in certain instances – but when the opposing party refuses to resolve a matter, litigation may be the only form of recourse.

When a business or commercial dispute turns into a complex legal controversy, we step in to protect our client’s rights, no matter who we are facing in court. We understand that litigation is only one part of the larger picture, and we keep our client’s goals at the forefront of our individualized strategy. As part of our comprehensive legal strategy when assisting clients in business formation, we project scenarios into the future and customize the business structure to lessen the potential for disputes to arise that may impact their business.